Thank you for your interest in purchasing a Singapore shelf company. Before requesting for a list of our Singapore shelf companies, please be aware of the following:

  • You need to send us the due diligence documents of directors and shareholders for clearance by our compliance department.
  • A Singapore Company is not an offshore company and the directors of a Singapore company are responsible for the keeping the company compliant with regulatory filing deadlines such as preparing a set of financial statements in accordance with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards, filing of annual returns and filing of the corporate tax returns.
  • The corporate tax rate is 17% but there are partial tax exemptions for the first S$200,000 of taxable profits.
  • You need to appoint one resident* director.
  • You need to appoint a qualified local resident company secretary
  • You need to have a Singapore address as the registered address of the company. The registered address can be either a residential or commercial address, but not a P.O. Box.
  • The Singapore Company can apply for a Certificate of Resident, issued by IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore), only when it can show that the control and management is exercised in Singapore.

*Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, or holders of Singapore work visas (EntrePass or Employment Pass)

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